2D CAD: How To Make All Kinds Of Slots

The slot tools in the Sketch > Create panel let you create different types of slots as sketch geometry or construction geometry in an active sketch in Fusion 360.

Center to Center Slot center to center slot icon You click to place the center of each slot arcs, then click to define the slot width or specify the diameter of the slot arcs.

Overall Slot overall slot icon You click to place the start point and end point of the slot centerline, then click to define the slot width or specify the diameter of the slot arcs.

Center Point Slot center point slot icon You click to place the slot center, place the center of the slot arc, then click to define the slot width or specify the diameter of the slot arcs.

3 Point Arc Slot 3 point arc slot icon You click to place the start point and end point of the slot center arc, place the third point of the center arc or specify the center arc radius, then click to define the slot width or specify the diameter or radius of the slot arcs.

Center Point Arc Slot center point arc slot icon You click to place the center point of the slot, place the start point and end point of the slot center arc, then click to define the slot width or specify the diameter or radius of the slot arc.